Wednesday 27 July 2011

Sometimes I wonder , if a sixteen year old could sell out Madison Square Garden and earn millions , just because he has a good voice , ok looks and and a cute smile , we could all attain fame couldn't we ? What does it take , huh , to become what we worship nowadays as a "celebrity " ?? I still don't know the answer . is it just luck on their part ? Or maybe fate or destiny ? But did god actually choose then for a reason ? Who knows ...... It takes more than being a good , friendly guy and working hard to acheive fame and getting people to know you . As years pass , teenagers are becoming the actual rulers of this world . Facebook , the worldwide internet addiction , that entranced billions and earned even more was invented by a man not more than 25 . Need i say anything else ?? The human race is clearly evolving , and we are the proof of it . So the next time you look down on your life as a worthless waste of time , ( as i often used to do , i admit) , i can say only one thing . Think again .

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